Bisnesenkeliverkostojen yhteistyö toi ulkomaiset sijoittajat Suomeen ja opetti suomalaiset sijoittajat kansainvälisiksi
Suomen bisnesenkeliverkosto FiBAN oli osa neljän bisnesenkeliverkoston yhteisprojektia kahden vuoden ajan. Suomen...’s growth recipe for startups: “Move on and raise funding faster”
Many successful startups have at least one thing in common: they have...
Building a kick-ass startup investor network – what characterized the uprise of FiBAN
To celebrate 10 years of FiBAN activity we asked Claes Mikko Nilsen,...
Refresh your know-how and learn new skills from the best – FiBAN academy and our 10-year celebration
Smart money and professionalization of business angels is one of the big...
People of FiBAN: The Office
In celebration of FiBAN’s 10 years of operations, we are introducing a...
The power of networks: FiBAN turns 10 in 2020
FiBAN was founded in early December 2010. In the 9 years that...