Business Angel Awards for 2021 announced
Since 2011, FiBAN has annually recognized and awarded successful angel investor exits...
Milja Mäkelä appointed as FiBAN’s new Communications Manager
We warmly welcome Milja Inkeri Mäkelä as the new Communications Manager! Milja...
4 reasons you should join FiBAN’s delegation trip to Lisbon
The main goal of FiBAN's delegation trips is to match Finnish business...
FiBAN Monthly: Angel investor means Human + Capital
We’ve experienced some wonderful years with ease in funding. Yes, you read...
FiBAN Monthly: Amel back at it again!
September is typically a month for new beginnings and re-grouping existing things...
Vierasblogi: Tappiollisen kasvun rahoituksessa haasteita
Partnerimme Grannenfelt Finance:n hallituksen puheenjohtaja, Eeva Grannenfelt, kertoo kasvavien yritysten vaikeuksista vuonna...