Prior to FiBAN, Bärlund has made an extensive career with international business, helping companies to establish business, grow, and strengthen their positions on global markets in Brussels, Paris, Beijing, and Copenhagen (MFA, former Finpro and  Tekes). She has also worked as a management consultant for startups, SMEs, and listed companies, and as a business development director for startups.

She has seasoned experience with international board and management work. For the last seven years, she has been running her own business serving company owners, boards of directors, and management teams together with her networks such as Boardman and Deve Partners.

“Spending several years as the Executive Director at The Association of Finnish Business School Graduates (Suomen Ekonomit) has given me a thorough understanding of the Finnish labor market, work-life, and lobbying that I hope can benefit FIBAN members as well”, Bärlund says.

In her spare time, Bärlund can be found either sailing, on a golf course, or cooking with her sons. She gets mindfulness from yoga and nature where she enjoys skiing, tour skating, hiking, and picking berries and mushrooms.

“I am very excited about the possibility to direct FIBAN during Amel Gaily’s family leave till September 2022. I am looking forward to getting to know FiBAN’s members, partners, and other stakeholders, extending my networks and competencies in angel investing, and giving gladly my knowledge and experience in return to the FIBAN community”, she tells.

Contact information:
Aija Bärlund
Interim Managing Director, FiBAN
+358 40 6810245