CHAOS architects is a cloud-based platform that utilizes business intelligence to provide historical, current and predictive views of city planning. Their user interface “Happycity” is responsible for collecting the first layer of information – citizen ideas and demographics – which, together with other sources of information, third-party API’s and big data, allows to forecast the future of our cities. CHAOS architects is disrupting the way our cities are being planned.

“At CHAOS architects we believe that a smart city is not the one with the most high-tech gadgets, but the one that optimizes economic resources, promotes efficiency, and places social factors at the heart of their approach. This financial round represents a stepping stone towards the accomplishment of our mission”, says Natalia Rincón, CEO. 

​“CHAOS architects is a perfect example of a successful angel investment case where a very competitive scalable technology startup and seasoned matching investors meet. The company and investors can start cooperating in a processed manner, safely led by a lead investor.  Entrepreneurs can use more time for their business and angels can relax and concentrate in helping. The round was closed very fast and with FiBAN template documentation”, says Torsti Tenhunen, lead investor and Chairman of the Board.

CHAOS architects provides an AI cloud platform that allows citizens to engage with all the parties developing the city through a continuous mobile dialogue. The solution consists of both a mobile user interface and a browser-based dashboard content and analytics, which together enable complex data collection, data analysis, and customer understanding.

“Both, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Cities are trends in our society, still, there are still few companies really focusing in solutions that would combine both and enable better cities. Our vision is to become the defacto Smart City AI platform in the market.”, says Natalia Rincón, CEO. 

The real smart city, has never been so near.