The transition from employee to entrepreneur requires entrepreneurs to understand the bases for their pension and social security. If they hire employees, they must assume the role of employer and supervisor, which will further increase their list of responsibilities. That might feel a lot to take on for a first-time entrepreneur.

“Elo has been working together with newcomer entrepreneurs for many years. We provide expertise and support for the proper pension security of entrepreneurs right from the start”, states Maria Ihalainen, Sales Manager at Elo.

“We understand, of course, that statutory pension insurance matters are just one issue among many that entrepreneurs have to consider. It is not, however, a minor matter from the standpoint of society, the company, or the individual. That’s why it’s important for us to provide our customers with expertise and understanding. That’s the goal of our everyday work. It’s been delightful to hear genuine positive feedback concerning the reduced amount of paperwork and ease of handling matters with the help of a dedicated contact person”, says Maria Ihalainen with a smile.

“Our customers particularly appreciate the multiple channels we offer for communications and insurance management. Our Online Service facilitates the 24/7 management of pension matters for personal customers and businesses. Whenever necessary, you can always get personal service as well. In fact, our phone service has been recognized among the best in Finland”, says Anne Tamminen, Account Manager at Elo.

When a company grows

“When your company and number of personnel grow, we are here to provide help and expertise, also with management and supervisory work. Our Online Service contains webinars and guides that are useful for supervisors. We offer large-scale corporate customers the opportunity to partake in a free Work Community Survey that helps to identify any possible workability risks so that they can begin taking proactive measures right away. Healthy and satisfied personnel is, after all, the essential foundation of any company. Our experts can personally provide you with advice on these matters”, Anne Tamminen adds.

“As your company grows, you may find yourself needing different types of business premises. In this case, be sure to inquire about the variety of commercial premises managed by Elo. And if you find yourself in need of financial assistance, Elo may also have the solution you are looking for”, states Anne Tamminen.

Responsibility is taking care of each other and ourselves

Responsibility is a factor that unites all companies nowadays, regardless of their field of business. It’s an important competitive factor since customers want to procure services from socially responsible companies. What does responsibility entail for entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs are the most vital resource for their own companies. It may sound a bit cliché, but it’s true. It is also forgotten way too often, particularly when preparing for unexpected situations. It’s often only when workability risks are realized that the entrepreneur recognizes the significance of being prepared. That’s why it’s important for an investor, an entrepreneur, and the whole team to be interested in how the entrepreneur is doing and how their own social and pension security has been arranged. Responsibility signifies accountability for the environment and other people, but above all, it is accountability for oneself.

“At Elo, responsibility is one aspect of our primary task: to make sure that customers get the pension they have earned, now and in the future. Responsibility is also an integral part of our concept of service, which we believe should be as smooth and convenient as possible for our customers. Responsibility means ensuring that entrepreneurs’ pension insurance coverage is at the right level. Many entrepreneurs don’t look too deeply into the significance of YEL insurance and the proper level of their stated YEL income. That’s where our expertise comes in”, assures Maria Ihalainen.

“We are here for you and your company”, emphasizes Anne Tamminen. “My own role is often described as an interpreter between the company and the pension insurance company: you don’t need to waste time browsing through our website, because you have a personal connection to Elo.”

Visit to see Elo’s key services to the FiBAN community.
Elo will host FiBAN Pitch Finland event in May, register here.

Authors & more information

Anne Tamminen, Account Manager, Elo, 040 832 7858

Maria Ihalainen, Sales Manager, Elo, 040 730 1844