Michael Hansen, CEO of DanBAN

Sister BAN of the Year 2021
Danish Business Angel Network – DanBAN

DanBAN is awarded as an active sister BAN for the continuous and consistent Nordic cooperation and sharing their know-how generously with other networks. “Over the years, we have built deep cooperation with our dear Danish Colleagues. With the award, we want to acknowledge the consistent and important Nordic cooperation between DanBAN and FiBAN ranging from our joint investor programs to collaboration to develop our operations and sharing know-how”, praises Annukka Mickelsson, Chair of FiBAN Board and the awards committee.

Anu Oks, Managing Director, EstBAN and Kristjan Raude, Chair of the Board, EstBAN

Sister BAN of the Year 2020
Estonian Business Angel Network – EstBAN

The first-ever sister BAN award is given to EstBAN. “Over the years, our deepest cooperation out of all other angel networks has been with EstBAN. Thus, as FiBAN is awarding this prize for the first time in its 10-year history, it is only natural that Sister BAN’s award goes to our dear colleagues in Estonia”, tells Reima Linnanvirta, Chair of FiBAN Board.


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