Unsplash Developer Photo Glenn Carstens-Peters

Diploi, a SaaS service for managing, developing and hosting software applications, has completed its pre-seed funding round. Founded in 2024 by the team of Marcus Ahlfors, Patrik Lindberg and Tuomas Pöyry with the ultimate goal of taking away the pain of software development by letting developers focus on their main task –  developing new and better software. The team built a pilot of the cloud-based service in the spring of 2024, taking on trial users and its first customers.

Funding from 8 Angel Investors and Innovestor’s Angel Co-fund

Discussions with business angels through the Finnish Business Angel Network, FIBAN, began, resulting in eight business angels together with Innovestor’s Angel CoFund investment fund participating in the completion of a pre-seed funding round of 255,000 EUR. This will enable the team to further develop the Diploi service and platform to cover more technology tools, streamline product offering and develop a go-to-market strategy for the near future.

“Participating in the Pitch Finland evening arranged by FiBAN turned out to be a great way to get visibility for Diploi and connect with business angels. FiBAN provided a framework and instructions for going forward after the initial interest, and this was very helpful when the real discussions began“, says Marcus Ahlfors, CEO of Diploi.

Advice for fellow founders: “Have a clear vision, but be prepared to re-evaluate and pivot rapidly”

Sharing advice to other founders looking for funding, Patrik Lindberg, CBD of Diploi, adds: “Take control of the process and show perseverance! Listen to suggestions and advice, but continuously evaluate how they fit your business. Have a clear vision, work on your strategy, focus on what you are doing, and push forward. Make a plan and try sticking to it, but be prepared to re-evaluate and pivot rapidly. And talk to other founders every time you have a chance to learn from their experiences with the issues you are facing“.

Diploi aims to offer a uniform SaaS solution supporting the life span of the user’s application from development to production. The solution integrates main developer tools and processes into one coherent space, enabling developers and testers to fully focus on high-quality development, minimizing setup and management needs. The Diploi team members have long-time experience in delivering software solutions and services to both B2B and B2C customers, covering everything from startups and SMBs to publicly traded companies.

For more information, please contact Diploi’s CEO Marcus Ahlfors: +358 41 515 8726.

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If you’ve secured funding from angel investors, let us know! Contact FiBAN COO Milja at milja(at)fiban.org.